What is ITAD?

IT asset disposition (ITAD) is an industry term and practice built around reusing, recycling, repurposing, repairing or disposing of unwanted IT equipment in a safe and environmentally responsible way. An IT organization can practice IT asset disposition itself or have a specialized vendor handle it.


What Are the ITAD Process Steps?


ITAD Inventory Audit

One of the primary roles that any ITAD company must adhere to is the creation and management of an extremely accurate inventory of IT assets. ATTYAH Computer Recycling physically verifies the inventory listed on the clients’ master asset list. The ATTYAH Computer Recycling inventory reconciliation service, ensures accurate IT asset totals are made for future crosschecks.

Ensuring that accurate inventory lists are made and verified is extremely important for managing processes such as: data destruction, recycling and reselling (if instructed by the client to do so). However, there are also strong financial and legal requirements for creating and managing an ITAD inventory. Audit trails, final inventory reconciliation and inventory reporting have to be managed correctly for your company to receive its data destruction and e-waste certificates.

ITAD Onsite Services

As a leading ITAD company, ATTYAH Computer Recycling can perform several services at the clients’ location, e.g. decommission IT assets, data destruction, packing and transporting IT assets.

On-site ITAD company services include: decommissioning of IT assets, full data destruction via EMP degaussing (permanent data erasure) and / or drive and data storage device shredding. Plus: on-site validation of inventory (which includes serial number recording) and the packing and removal of your retired IT assets.

Utilizing ATTYAH Computer Recycling’s on-site company ITAD services gives the client considerable time advantages, not least of all in; same day inventory management, same day deinstallation, same day data destruction and same day removal. Not forgetting; same day certification for data destruction. ATTYAH Computer Recycling can’t take all the stress out of IT asset upgrades but at least it can make the retirement of unwanted IT hardware quick, concise and relatively effortless.

ITAD Offsite Services

The ATTYAH Computer Recycling ITAD facilities offer advanced data destruction, refurbishment of IT assets, asset redeployment, donation, resale and e-waste certified recycling.

Most ITAD companies offer recycling, refurbishment, remarketing, resell and recycling of IT assets through third party partnerships. ATTYAH Computer Recycling differs from most ITAD companies by being able to offer everything in house, including some extremely advanced data destruction and De – manufacturing recycling services.

The ATTYAH Computer Recycling facilities offer your company the options to refurbish and resell IT assets through wholesale and retail channels. Alternatively, ATTYAH Computer Recycling can refurbish and redeploy within your business or resell to your staff. The ATTYAH Computer Recycling facilities also provide the option to dismantle obsolete, low value equipment (including CRT monitors) so they can be recycled responsibly. Above all, ATTYAH Computer Recycling offers a purposely designed landfill free, zero waste, ecologically friendly solution.

ITAD Report & Certification

The ATTYAH Computer Recycling ITAD inventory reporting process covers every stage of IT asset disposition and concludes with certificates of data destruction and EPA, RCRA e-waste recycling compliance.

IT asset disposal reports can include; asset reports, completion reports, sustainability reports, financial reports for invoicing, billing and settlement reports. Certificates for data destruction, and for e-waste recycling, will correspond to both the completion and sustainability reports, which can also include serial number references.

Certificates for data destruction are your proof that any data held on any data storage system (from tape to DVD – hard drive to photocopier memory) has been destroyed before an IT asset is recycled or resold. ITAD companies tend to offer data destruction services that meet NIST 800-88 r1, HMG IA Standard No. 5 and DIN-66399 standards. As an R2:2013, ISO14001 ITAD company ATTYAH Computer Recycling is able to issue both data destruction and e-waste disposal certificates.

ITAD Financial Settlements

Reselling your obsolete assets helps recover value from retired IT hardware, which in turn, can offset the cost of decommissioning, data destruction, logistics and recycling.

ATTYAH Computer Recycling  is a State authorized and Federally compliant ITAD company. Like most ITAD companies ATTYAH Computer Recycling  provides environmentally friendly information technology asset disposition. This includes such chargeable services as: asset removal, digital data destruction, legislative compliance and fully verified audit trails.

Other charges can arise from recycling, reconditioning, remarketing, redeploying and reselling IT assets. However, those charges are usually offset against the returns generated from the sale of IT assets (if this service is requested). A lot of ATTYAH Computer Recycling clients just choose to recycle their obsolete IT assets electing to ensure their computer hardware is disposed of ethically and in a socially responsible, environmentally safe and data secure single solution.

Not Just An ITAD Company

ATTYAH Computer Recycling is a State authorized and Federally compliant ITAD company. Like most ITAD companies ATTYAH Computer Recycling  provides environmentally friendly information technology asset disposition. This includes such services as: digital data destruction, legislative compliance and fully verified audit trails.

ATTYAH Computer Recycling  offers a premier ITAD service for companies in regulated industries or for a company that may store personally identifiable information such as financial, medical, or personnel records for example. As a premier ITAD company ATTYAH Computer Recycling  is fully compliant with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA), and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).


The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) gives EPA the authority to control hazardous waste, such as found in retired IT assets. This includes computers, laptops, servers, printers, copiers, network hardware and IT infrastructure. RCRA sets forth a framework for the management of such hazardous e-wastes.

Managing electronic waste (or e-waste) is one of the most rapidly growing pollution problems worldwide. Most technologies are being upgraded and replaced tri-yearly, which results in the disposal of millions of tons of unwanted IT assets. The adverse impacts on the environment are plentiful. However, this is rapidly changing with the enforcement of regulations that strictly impede companies from just disposing of their IT assets with both finds and imprisonment.